...of quitting your job, selling everything you own, and traveling the world?

That's exactly what I did. After 25 years as a commercial photographer, creating eye-catching images for clients such as Dr. Pepper, Intel, Nike, Sony, Texas Monthly and Whole Foods, I closed my studio and sold all of my possessions: his home, car and camera gear, keeping only the few items I could carry in a backpack. After traveling solo for three years, across 6 continents and 38 countries, I returned to Austin with thousands of photographs and tall tales from my travels.

Born in New Orleans, I was bitten by the travel bug early on. My family moved to Hong Kong when he was four, and I spent all of my formative years in

Southeast Asia. After graduating from high school, I moved to the U.S. where I earned a degree in Radio/T.V. Communications from Baylor University.

Prior to pursuing a career in photography, my previous incarnations include radio disc jockey, pizza delivery, TV news reporter, funeral home attendant and working on an offshore oil rig. I have also dubbed Chinese kung fu movies into English and been an extra in a Jackie Chan film.

When asked what kind of camera I used during my travels, my response is always "It's not the equipment that's important, but how you see the world around you." To prove that point, all the images in this book were captured with a compact camera.

My photo book One Thousand Days, a collection of 50 images from my travels, and The Rompin' Stompin' Circus of Love Extended World Tour: Tales From Three Years on the Road contains more than 40 travel anecdotes and poems.


One thousand days

the rompin' stompin' circus of love extended world tour: tales from 3 years on the road